REZ training at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam
GreeningTheGrid will deliver a training on Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam.
- REZ training at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam
- 2016-06-30T17:55:00-04:00
- 2016-07-01T17:55:00-04:00
- GreeningTheGrid will deliver a training on Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam.
- When Jun 30, 2016 05:55 PM to Jul 01, 2016 05:55 PM (America/New_York / UTC-400)
- Where Hanoi, Viet Nam
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This regional clean energy workshop, organized by the Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership and co-hosted by the Government of Viet Nam through the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), is focused on mechanisms to catalyze finance for grid-connected clean energy in Asia.
The training will introduce the REZ transmission and generation planning methodology, communicate the value of REZ to a power system, summarize crucial components of the REZ process and the technical approach to defining REZs using geospatial analysis, and highlight case studies of successful REZ programs to draw key lessons for implementing REZ around the world.