
Grid Integration Toolkit
Grid integration is the practice of developing efficient ways to deliver variable renewable energy (RE) to the grid. The toolkit offers a wealth of resources that have been expertly curated and annotated to assist you in navigating the key topics related to integrating variable renewable energy to the grid.

Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Toolkit
The distributed PV (DPV) toolkit offers resources and guidance to support developing countries address barriers to safe, effective, and accelerated deployment of small-scale, photovoltaic systems connected at the distribution-level.

Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Toolkit
The Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Transmission Planning Process is a proactive approach to planning, approving, and building transmission infrastructure that connects areas of cost-effective renewable energy to load.

Electric Vehicle Toolkit
Vehicle electrification is the only economically viable pathway to achieving clean energy transitions in the transport sector at-scale. The Electric Vehicle (EV) toolkit offers information and guidance materials to support the safe, effective, and accelerated deployment of EVs.

Energy Storage Toolkit
Energy storage technologies can charge energy from an external source and discharge this energy at a later time. The Energy Storage toolkit offers curated resources and guidance on integrating commercially available energy storage technologies into the power system.